The BT HangerTM hangs in your closet utilizing minimum space and requires NO nails, screws or mounting! Best Hangers
Tidy up your closet with the revolutionary BT Hanger, a space saving tie and belt hanger.
The BT Hanger holds more than 50 men’s ties and 8 belts or more.
Its compact design utilizes less than 10% of the space of traditional tie and belt hangers yet it is versatile easy to use.
The BT Hanger hangs on your clothes rack in the closet utilizing minimum closet space and requires no nails, screws or mounting.
Selecting a tie or belt couldn’t be easier, and keeping them organized is a snap.
Don’t let the numbers fool you; the BT Hanger doesn’t take up any more space to hang 50 ties than it does to hang 4. The BT Hanger really is amazing and you have got to see it to believe it.
Every business professional, man or woman should have one of these in their closet. It saves time, space and is extremely economical.
There is no other Belt and Tie hanger available anywhere at any price with the capacity, ease of operation and space saving characteristics of the BT Hanger.
Ties, belts, and/or scarves cluttering your closet, “Tidy Up” your closet with the BT Hanger.
** Belt capacity depends on buckle and belt size.

BUY N95 Mask $35 a box FREE S&H BUY a case of N95 Mask $840 FREE S&H
GIKO 1200H is a Particulate N95 Respirator mask. 20 per box they sale on Ebay for $159.00 for 20pcs.
1- box of 20 for $20.00 per box.
With its dual-strap design and welded dual point attachment, it helps to provide a secure seal.
Has an N95-Particulate Filter (95% filter efficiency level). Effective against particulate aerosols free of oil (with diameters more than ∅ 0,3 mm).
Meets CDC guidelines, NIOSH approved and is authorized as a respirator under the FDA Emergency use authorization – EUA.
CE CDC FDA Approved
ASK also sell by the case priced right.
Product Specification:
Packaging: 20pcs / per Box
One size
Aerosol Type: Non-Oil Base
Filter Efficiency: 95%
Number of filters: 1 (Non-Replaceable)
NIOSH Approval Number: 84A-4653
This product has been authorized by the FDA as a Respirator for health care personnel under an EUA published on March 02, 2020.